Pyramid Lake Fisheries stocking 150,000 Lahontan Cutthroat Trout
This week the Pyramid Lake Fisheries was excited to stock Pyramid Lake with 150,000 cutthroat fingerlings. The fish we stocked have been growing at our Lake Operations facility since July of this year. Their parents were spawned in April and they spent the first stage of their life at our Numana Hatchery along the lower Truckee River.

Our first step in transferring the fingerling cutthroats into Pyramid Lake is to net them and put them in the transfer truck. This is Jack, one of our lab technicians, and Dillon, one of our fish culturists, running around the pool trying to catch the babies.

Once the fingerlings are netted, we pass them up to our team on the transfer truck.

After we had a safe amount of cutthroat in the transfer truck, we drove them to Marina Beach, Pelican Point and Popcorn Rock to release them. A total of six trips, two to each location.
It is a blast watching them fly out of the truck into their new home. They always seem to hang around for a few minutes before they swim off into the abyss.
All of the lake birds tend to gather around to try and snag an easy meal, along with a few fishermen too.